Vehicle Information
Keep your permit accurate with your vehicle make, model, color, plate number, and contact information.
Login to update your information.
Add a Vehicle
- Click “Vehicles” from the menu bar.
- Click the “Add Vehicle” button below the list of your existing vehicles.
- Enter information for all required fields, then click the “Next” button.
If you receive a message stating the plate already exists in the system, click the “Next” button to add the plate to your permit.
Remove a Vehicle
- Click “Vehicles” from the menu bar.
- Click the license plate number you wish to remove.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Delete” button.
Removing the license plate number from your permit will not remove responsibility for any tickets issued to that vehicle while it was associated with the permit.
Edit Existing Plate
- Click “Vehicles” from the menu bar.
- Click the license plate number for which you wish to update vehicle information.
- Click the “Edit” button.
- Make any necessary changes, then click the “Next” button.
Note: You cannot edit a license plate number registered with your permit, but you can edit other information, such as make and model. If the plate number has changed, see the instructions above to add the plate number and delete the old one.