Daily Visitor Parking
Hourly, daily, and overnight parking options are available for University Park visitors.
Pay for parking at select areas with the ParkMobile app.
Parking Options and Rates
Visitors have access to parking across University Park. Parking rates vary by location, time, day, or week. Higher rates may apply during special events.
Real-time visitor parking capacity information is available for the East, HUB, Nittany, and West parking decks.
Stadium West
Beaver Stadium
- No parking 2 a.m. - 4 a.m.
- No parking home football game Saturdays
Maximum Time
- 7 hours
Payment Method
- Use pay station or HONK zone PSUCR
Daily Rate
- $8
Jordan East
Bryce Jordan Center
- No parking 2 a.m. - 4 a.m.
- No parking home football game Saturdays
Maximum Time
- 7 hours
Payment Method
- Use pay station or HONK zone PSUCR
Daily Rate
- $8
Porter North
Medlar Field
- No parking 2 a.m. - 4 a.m.
- No parking home football game Saturdays
Maximum Time
- 7 hours
Payment Method
- Use pay station or HONK zone PSUCR
Daily Rate
- $8
East Deck
Berkey Creamery
- No motorcycle parking
- Vehicle clearance - 8’4” level 1, 7’6” all other levels
Maximum Time
- 5 days
Payment Method
- Take ticket and pay before exiting
Daily Rate
- $16 daily maximum fee
HUB Deck
HUB-Robeson Center
- No motorcycle parking
- Vehicle clearance - 7’0” all levels
Maximum Time
- 5 days
Payment Method
- Take ticket and pay before exiting
Daily Rate
- $16 daily maximum fee
Nittany Deck
Nittany Lion Inn
- No motorcycle parking
- Vehicle clearance - 6’8” levels 1-5, 6’6” roof level
Maximum Time
- 5 days
Payment Method
- Take ticket and pay before exiting
Daily Rate
- $16 daily maximum fee
West Deck
West Campus
- No motorcycle parking
- Vehicle clearance - 8’3” level 1, 7’9” all other levels
Maximum Time
- 5 days
Payment Method
- Take ticket and pay before exiting
Daily Rate
- $16 daily maximum fee
Eisenhower Deck
Eisenhower Auditorium
- No parking midnight - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday
Maximum Time
- 7 hours
Payment Method
- Use HONK zone PSUYF
Daily Rate
- N/A
Eisenhower Visitor Lot
Eisenhower Auditorium
- N/A
Maximum Time
- 30 minutes
Payment Method
- Use pay station or HONK zone PSUEISVIS
Daily Rate
- N/A
Lion Shrine Visitor Lot
Lion Shrine
- N/A
Maximum Time
- 30 minutes
Payment Method
- Use pay station HONK zone PSUSHRINE
Daily Rate
- N/A
Technology Support Building
- N/A
Maximum Time
- 10 hours
Payment Method
- Use ParkMobile zone 95116
Daily Rate
- $8
OPP Visitor Lot
Physical Plant
- No parking home football game Saturdays
Maximum Time
- 22 hours – session ends at 2 a.m.
Payment Method
- Use pay station or HONK zone PSUOPPVIS
Daily Rate
- $11
Orange A
Arboretum and Palmer Museum of Art
- No parking home football game Saturdays
Maximum Time
- Midnight to 1 p.m., Monday - Friday:
- 2 hours
- All other hours:
- 10 hours
Payment Method
- Use pay station or HONK zone PSUOA
Daily Rate
- $11
Orange A
Snider Ag Arena
- No parking on home football game Saturdays
Maximum Time
- 10 hours
Payment Method
- Use ParkMobile zone 95101
Daily Rate
- N/A
Orange H
Energy and the Environment Lab
- No parking home football game Saturdays
Maximum Time
- 10 hours
Payment Method
- Use HONK zone PSUOH
Daily Rate
- $11
Orange O
Athletic Administration Building
- No parking home football game Saturdays
Maximum Time
- 10 hours
Payment Method
- Use HONK zone PSUOJ
Daily Rate
- N/A
Orange U
USB I and II
- No parking home football game Saturdays
Maximum Time
- 10 hours
Payment Method
- Use pay station or HONK zone PSUOD
Daily Rate
- $11
Outreach Building Lot
Innovation Park
- N/A
Maximum Time
- 10 hours
Payment Method
Daily Rate
- $11
Yellow H
Shields Building
- No parking home football game Saturdays
- 30-minute maximum parking from 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- Hourly parking from 3 p.m. - midnight and from midnight - 7 a.m. M -F and all-day Saturdays and Sundays using HONK zone PSUYH3
Maximum Time
- Midnight - 7 a.m., M-F
- 7 hours
- 7 a.m. - 3 p.m., M-F
- 30 minutes
- 3 p.m. - Midnight, M-F
- 9 hours
- Saturdays and Sundays
- 10 hours
Payment Method
- Use pay station or HONK zone PSUYH3
Daily Rate
- N/A
Yellow H
Pegula Ice Arena
- No parking on hockey game days
- No parking home football game Saturdays
Maximum Time
- 4 hours
Payment Method
- Use pay station or HONK zone PSUYH4
Daily Rate
- N/A
Brown A - ADA Parking Only
Hintz Alumni Center
- Requires valid state-issued ADA parking placard or license plate
- Available only from 4 p.m. - 7:30 a.m., Monday - Friday
Maximum Time
- 12 hours
Payment Method
- Use ParkMobile app - zone 95100
Daily Rate
- N/A
Green N - ADA Parking Only
Stuckeman Family Building
- Requires valid state-issued ADA parking placard or license plate
- Available only from 5 p.m. - 7:30 a.m., Monday - Friday
Maximum Time
- 12 hours
Payment Method
- Use ParkMobile app - zone 95103
Daily Rate
- N/A
Silver B - ADA Parking Only
South end of Bigler Road
- Requires valid state-issued ADA parking placard or license plate
- Available only from 5 p.m. - 7:30 a.m., Monday - Friday
Maximum Time
- 12 hours
Payment Method
- Use ParkMobile app - zone 95107
Daily Rate
- N/A
Yellow E - ADA Parking Only
Pavilion Theatre
- Requires valid state-issued ADA parking placard or license plate
- Available only from 5 p.m. - 7:30 a.m., Monday - Friday
Maximum Time
- 12 hours
Payment Method
- Use ParkMobile app - zone 95104
Daily Rate
- N/A
Red V - ADA Parking Only
James Elliott Building
- Requires valid state-issued ADA parking placard or license plate
- Available only from 5 p.m. - 7:30 a.m., Monday - Friday
Maximum Time
- 12 hours
Payment Method
- Use ParkMobile app - zone 95117
Daily Rate
- N/A
Eisenhower Deck - ADA Parking Only
Eisenhower Auditorium
- Requires valid state-issued ADA parking placard or license plate
- No parking midnight - 4 a.m.
Maximum Time
- 12 hours
Payment Method
- Use ParkMobile app - zone 95111
Daily Rate
- N/A