Faculty and Staff Parking
Parking options are available if you drive to campus every day or periodically.
New Hires
A temporary parking permit is issued during your onboarding session.
The permit is valid for 15 days at the following locations:
- East, Eisenhower, Nittany, and West decks
- Orange lots
- Commuter lots
Register for a permit using the instructions below before your temporary permit expires.

Parking Information
Faculty and staff may purchase a parking permit based on work location and permit availability. Permit options and details are outlined below for faculty and staff to explore.
Transportation Services also offers a reduced-cost daily parking program for full-time and part-time faculty and staff at several convenient locations throughout campus. These parking permits are ideal for faculty and staff who are on campus only one or two days a week.
Permit Options and Rates*
Core (Brown, Green, Red, Silver, Yellow)
- Full-time faculty and staff through department parking chair (options vary by department)
- Limited availability for part-time and affiliate staff through Transportation Services Office
Parking Areas
- Only valid in the assigned lot (ex. Brown A, Green B, etc.)
- Also valid in all Orange and Commuter lots
- Faculty/staff employees:
- Monthly - $43
- Technical service employees:
- Monthly - $40
- Bi-weekly - $18.46
- Full-time faculty and staff through department parking chair
- Limited availability for part-time and affiliate staff through Transportation Services Office
Parking Areas
- Faculty/staff employees:
- Monthly - $43
- Technical service employees:
- Monthly - $40
- Bi-weekly - $18.46
- Full-time faculty and staff through department parking chair
- Part-time and affiliate staff through Transportation Services Office
Parking Areas
- Valid in all Commuter lots
- Also valid in all Orange lots after 3 p.m. weekdays (beginning 11/27/2023)
- Faculty/staff employees:
- Monthly - $15
- Technical service employees:
- Monthly - $13
- Bi-weekly - $6
Red OO
- Only available to select administrators through department parking chair
Parking Areas
- Valid in all faculty/staff and student parking areas
- Monthly - $112
Blue OO
- Only available to select administrators through department parking chair
Parking Areas
- Valid in all faculty/staff parking areas
- Monthly - $70
LR - Emeritus
- Only available to emeritus faculty and staff through Transportation Services Office
Parking Areas
- Valid in all faculty/staff lots with 30 or more spaces
- Monthly - $65
*Rates effective July 1, 2024
Additional Access
Evening and Weekend
Valid at all faculty/staff parking areas:
- 4 p.m. through 7:30 a.m. weekdays.
- All day on Saturdays and Sundays, except Green H, which is available after 6 p.m. weekdays.
If license plate information is correct, gates will automatically open at the East, HUB, Nittany, and West parking decks. If parked before 4 p.m. or after 7:30 a.m. weekdays, $1 per hour for that time will be due at the exit. If gates do not open, tap your Penn State ID at the in-lane machine for access.
Learn more about using the your permit at the gated facilities on our Gated Parking Decks page.
No parking at Commuter lots between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m.
Permits are valid for most campus events.
On Penn State Football home game days, park in areas west of Bigler Road.
Commonwealth Campus Parking
Find a parking space at University Park or another campus.
Department Permits
Departments may purchase permits for visitors or employees who travel across campus.